Chris ZachariouMar 23, 2023Pampered Mandolins | Cyprus PoemsOften, I go back to that little street / with its lime-washed high walls / and to the silence of its olive groves / and acacia trees...
Chris ZachariouMar 22, 2023A Shilling for a Dream | Cyprus Poems“you” she whispers in the moment / of her timid sunrise, beyond the words / of pious priests and sombre masters...
Chris ZachariouMar 21, 2023Thirteen Silk Verses | Cyprus PoemsI’ve cast my crumbling / journal to the winds / and now only the breeze / will ever know her secret...
Chris ZachariouMar 20, 2023Eurydice of the Summer Dusk | Cyprus PoemsI glimpsed her fleeting glance / through the needles of the pines / and the unsullied whiteness of the sand...
Chris ZachariouMar 19, 2023Three Sighs Before Sunrise | Cyprus Poemsthe white flower in the meadow / the pristine cove and the fragile sand / the ease of dusk in summertime...
Chris ZachariouMar 17, 2023The Harvest of the Souls | Cyprus PoemsA shadow fell across the land / like the wrath of a forgotten god / a giant stain on the summer sun...
Chris ZachariouMar 16, 2023The Underworld | Cyprus PoemsDeath called for her on a Summer's day at noon / and now she lies by the river / ready to begin her journey / to the World of Gloom...
Chris ZachariouMar 15, 2023The Funeral | Cyprus PoemsRoses and carnations / frankincense and jasmine / the scent of burning centres /l aments and flaxen light...
Chris ZachariouMar 12, 2023Requiem | Cyprus PoemsChants and prayers / "from earth to earth" / "from dust to dust" / olive leaves / burning in the censer...
Chris ZachariouMar 11, 2023A Century of Sleep | Cyprus PoemsI buried my songs / in a wooden hut / and in the shade / of scented candles / I saw the Trisagion grieve /in the young girl's tears...